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Notable NYC: 12/14–12/20
Saturday 12/14: Sade Lanay and Uche Nduka join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Sunday 12/15: Kareem Rahma launches We Were Promised Flying Cars: 100 Haiku from the…
Little What to Read When
A monthly illustrated What to Read When for the young readers in our lives!
A Kind of Bliss: Odes to Lithium by Shira Erlichman
In these moments, we are there with her, to witness the work of staying sane.
Where Speech Fails Us: Talking with Martin Jude Farawell
Poet Martin Jude Farawell discusses his debut full-length collection, ODD BOY.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Bronwen Tate
A little bite dissolves. It’s a beginning, / bait.
A Gripping, Limited Call to Arms: Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments
There are so many happy endings that dystopia and utopia become almost indistinguishable by the novel’s end.