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“I Want to Play”: Talking with Sam Bailey
Writer and director Sam Bailey talks with Samantha Irby about her work.
What to Read When You’re Crip and Unafraid
Meg Day and Niki Herd share a reading list to celebrate LAURA HERSHEY: ON THE LIFE & WORK OF AN AMERICAN MASTER.
The Lost Art of the Mixtape in Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl
Lawlor uses the act of making a mixtape to show us their character’s mind at work.
Seeking “Notable Portland” Blogger!
We're looking for a Portland-based writer to helm Notable Portland!
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Aria Aber
One hears everything here, where the landscape / is a clean knife, slicing the mute—
Masculinity and Fatal Desire in The Skin I Live In
Why, in art of all things, should we ignore the intuition of the body?