Aren’t pleasant surprises great? Especially when they are a bright spot in the otherwise dark horizon print publishing? Somehow, I had missed entirely that there was a magazine called The…
Sometimes you just want to come home from your haircut, curl up with Judy, and sit in the last sunshine of the day reading a good short story, a story…
This is a real picture. I encourage clicking to enlarge for full effect. With the little compass and map and everything? The Smoking Gun has discovered that what Google Street…
Brandon Bird has the perfect cards for that special someone. If that special someone is addicted to watching Ice-T always get his man. And if that man is Bob Saget.
And they are totally awesome, as I’m sure most of you already know. I mean: Joshuah Bearman Blames It On The Rain?!?!? Come on, how cool is that, right? Well,…
An economy + link by Josh Bearman There is much to say about Revolutionary Road. I’m talking about the film, which I can’t stop thinking about. There is also much…