Jonathan Pappas is a fiction writer in Philadelphia who teaches literature at Temple University. He received a creative writing MFA from the New School in New York City, and has been working on a novel for a long time.
I didn’t enjoy reading Richard Yates all that much, but I like that Lin’s writing has sparked conversations about storytelling, questions about generational gaps between modern readers (this book is sort…
Rumpus Book Club Member John Francisconi with thoughts on July’s Book Club pick, The Surf Guru by Doug Dorst. The Surf Guru is simply, and rather consistently, great. It’s a…
Rumpus Book Club Member John Francisconi with thoughts on July’s Book Club pick, The Surf Guru by Doug Dorst. Continuing on in my reading, I’m finding more and more enjoyment…
Independence Night I started reading Doug Dorst’s story collection Sunday, July 4th, as fireworks, invisible from my bedroom’s window, broke the night’s silence. Sweating through a s’more-stained tee shirt, I…