Posts by author
The Rumpus
1661 posts
Welcome to the Ten-In-One
WELCOME TO THE TEN-IN-ONE: The Alligator Man and the Bearded Lovely Lisa Brown continues her incredible Rumpus Comic series: “Welcome to the Ten-In-One.”
Animals in Midlife Crises
ANIMALS IN MIDLIFE CRISES: Hermit Crabs Another fantastic Rumpus Comic from Lincoln Michel and John Dermot Woods.
Speakable Power
Metaphor, “a power so subtle we barely notice how much it impacts our thinking.” (via TheBookBench)
Horn! Reviews
HORN! REVIEWS: Welcome to the Greenhouse Another fantastic Rumpus Comic book review by Kevin Thomas.
How Much Time Do You Have Today?
Because Atlantic associate editor Conor Friedersdorf has compiled “Nearly 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism” from 2010.
Critics vs. “The Novel”
“Critics think their role is to choose between innovation and convention, dig a trench, and lob grenades.” Jess Row has written a long but interesting essay concerning the many deaths…
Like a Molotov Cocktail… But Funny
Three of our favorite comedians, W. Kamau Bell, Nato Green, and Janine Brito, are unleashing a guerrilla stand-up comedy tour on America: Laughter Against The Machine. Click the link to…