HTMLGIANT is sponsoring (moderating? overseeing?) their Second Annual Indie Lit Secret Santa. All you do is head over there and sign up between now and December 15, then when you…
Is the Bible too liberal for you? Too much of that “help the poor” and not enough sinner-smiting? Do you have no knowledge of ancient Greek and no experience in…
Just one for tonight, and I doubt that the site I’m linking to will even notice the hits we send his way–in fact, there’s a strong possibility that everyone who…
The Peter Giovenco Art Scavenger Hunt is at Maguire’s Hill 16 in Fort Lauderdale tonight at 8:00 p.m., and it involves searching for pieces of art, which the artists will…
Photos of the sternwheeler A. J. Goddard, a ship that sank in the Yukon in 1901, have just been released. From the article: ” The five crewmen’s boots, kicked off…
Winter has finally come to south Florida, by which I mean it’s a nipple-hardening 51 degrees Fahrenheit as I type this and you can discern the locals from the transplants…
Congratulations to Keith Waldrop, winner of the National Book Award in Poetry. Here’s their interview with Waldrop. Mark Scroggins uses the Barrett Watten reading I mentioned last week as a…
The Large Hadron Collider has started up again. The collisions aren’t supposed to begin until January, which is ahead of schedule. Perhaps that’s why there hasn’t been a big-budget disaster…
As almost anyone who’s lived down here can testify, the music scene is, well, uneven at best, unless you enjoy seeing bands that put out iffy music twenty years ago…
Let’s see what kind of ruckus we can stir up today. The Arkansas police officer who tased a ten year old girl last week received his punishment today–a seven day…
The Rumpus has already mentioned W. S. DiPiero’s essay about walking in San Francisco from the November issue of Poetry, but there are others dealing with the same general idea…