An editor at The Morning News, Nicole Pasulka has written for Salon, Nerve, Bust Magazine, and The Globe and Mail. Her Wu Tang name is Miss Thunderstood and she hates outer space.
What do W. H. Auden, E. M. Forster, Philip Larkin, and William Empson have in common? Besides their Britainia, they’ve all had lunch with Steven L. Isenberg. If you missed…
For admirers of The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis, those interested in Davis’ translations, or if you just like a really good peek into the life of a respected American…
With this year’s 50th anniversary of Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, writers have been spurred to question whether the book deserves its place in the hall of American classics.
Recalling those famed sandwiches of chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker goodness enjoyed around a crackling campfire, aptly named folkie lo-fi musicians Woods bring back your campfire days.
In a Wired article, Scott Thill elaborates on artist Jonathan Keats’ Strange Skies installation, in which he screens films for potted plants in New York. The plants will be exposed…
In a Los Angeles Times article published last month, Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed, comments on a study by University of Pennsylvania economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers…
In John McWhorter’s World Affairs article “The Cosmopolitan Tongue: The Universality of English,” he asks if it would be “inherently evil if there were not 6,000 languages spoken but one?”
I realized, a few days after moving into my apartment, that my neighbor is an enthusiastic accordion player who enjoys playing at odd hours of the evening. I have never…