Susan Schorn is a martial artist and self-defense instructor who writes the column "Bitchslap" for McSweeney's Internet Tendency. Her first book, Smile at Strangers, and Other Lessons in the Art of Living Fearlessly, will be available May 28th from Houghton Mifflin. She can quote verbatim dialogue from most of the 52 original "yellow-spine" Nancy Drew mysteries, and would be interested in learning about any groundbreaking medications that might relieve her of this ability. She lives in Austin, Texas, which helps. She's on Twitter: @SusanSchorn.
This week in San Francisco … Monday 1/16: Join International Workers of the World activists and scholars at Green Arcade for a discussion on the recent re-release of Rebel Voices:…
Like most things I liked when I was sixteen, I first got into Adrian Tomine’s comics because of my older sister, who let me borrow her early issues of Optic…
“Arts & Letters,” the Spring issue of Lapham’s Quarterly, is perhaps the magazine’s most unabashed celebration of nostalgia yet, which is saying a lot for a publication that indulges as…
At a recent n+1 panel discussion, Malcolm Gladwell, James Wood, and Christine Smallwood discussed God as trade, unmetaphysical writers, and intellectualism versus how religion makes you feel.