Funny Women
234 posts
Funny Women is a column for literary, feminist humor writing by non-men. Previous pieces have been anthologized out of wedlock in The Best American Nonrequired Reading, Oxford University Press’s Humor: A Reader for Writers, and Reader’s Digest. Edited by Elissa Bassist author of Hysterical. Submit your funny writing here.
Funny Women: A Literary Agent’s Manuscript Wish List
I need a book that gives me the high of MDMA without the risk of faintness, dehydration, or a nosy mall cop telling me to put my shirt back on in the food court.
Funny Women: Personal Statement for Creative Writing MFA Applications
Dear MFA Faculty at Private University,
Funny Women: Things I Wish I Could Workshop Other Than My Novel
Do I come across as a middle child with first-child energy? Would you recommend treatment for my character, and if so, from a sliding-scale social worker or a psychiatrist? Meditation or medication? Out-patient or in?
Funny Women: The Adventure of the Mistaken Right Swipe
It turns out freelance homicide detective actually is a job, and he’s super good at it.
From the Archive: Funny Women Whimsical Abortion Procedures
Mentally replay every worst memory of your childhood until pregnancy is scared away. Works every time.
FUNNY WOMEN: A Novel, a Short Story, a Memoir, and a Poem Walk into a Bar
"Poem and I are better at sex than you two," said the short story accurately. "We get in. We get out. Boom. Done."
From the Archive: FUNNY WOMEN #139: Gap Year To-Do List
Water is a precious resource; my portable soda stream honors that fact.
Funny Women: Who’s the Man in a Lesbian Relationship? A Guide for Curious Straight People
Present a copy of The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. Whoever puts it in their purse is the woman. Whoever pulls their own copy out of their pocket is Gertrude Stein.
FUNNY WOMEN: The Future Is Female and Customizable
Announcing the She-bot 3000, a female companion who’s the perfect combination of girlfriend, mother, and therapist. For a low daily rate (and with no minimum commitment or background check required), the She-bot can be your bot, and yours only.
FROM THE ARCHIVE: FUNNY WOMEN: Feminist Valentine’s Day Gifts
Stretch. Listen in hundreds of different positions. Listen a little to the left; now a little to the right.