The Vindication of Judas Forgive me at last, Brother, for the death sentence: a kiss that revealed me, an act of obedience which began your martyrdom. Who else but you—who…
Today Each year I know less about myself but the insurance company knows how much my life is worth. This is for those who suffer & endure & laugh about…
When NPR’s Code Switch went searching for “young poets who were livening up the literary landscape” in honor of National Poetry Month, they found themselves in the world of Rumpus…
My First Male-to-Male Kiss ______was on Mexican TV. In the 80s. Believe me. Like my cousin Mari, I too wished I could be Érika Buenfil, her blonde locks so close…
The History of Asterisks It is midnight under the sky’s dome ceiling. The moon speaks, saying nothing of consequence. John Wayne is from Iowa, so we hitchhiked West and I…
For our first episode of The Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show, Dave Roderick sits down with poet and playwright Nick Lantz to talk about his latest collection, How To Dance as the Roof Caves In, found poems, self-help manuals, and titles as points of departure.
Prophecy: After the Dam the floodplains do bloom_____ the horsetail die+++++ the wheatits thousand thousand eyes eyeing a fat future _____nods and nods never fearing the peasants plant potatoes plant turnips___ radish and carrot even…