To speak of “the other” is often to say very little nowadays. There are big-O others, little-o others, psychoanalytic others, (post)colonial others, others who punish and spy on us when…
I’ve been a fan of Joseph Lease’s poetry since I read his first book, Human Rights; and his latest, aptly-named collection, Testify, just released in April from Coffee House Press,…
“Baker not only makes us care about this disturbed woman and her hectoring prose, she has succeeded in composing a mesmerizing book on one of the more curious East-West encounters.…
“It’s funny—when it comes to memoir, we want to catch the author in a lie. For fiction, we want to catch the author telling the truth,” Tayari Jones, author of…
“The most remarkable part of Silver Sparrow is its pacing. The novel moves at a very steady rhythm, Jones’s words on the page carrying the cadences and intonations of a…