5655 posts
The Rumpus National Poetry Month Project 2021
This April, be inspired, be moved, and celebrate poetry!
Rumpus Original Fiction: Boy of My Dreams
I cannot stop dreaming about the sixteen-year-old boy I loved madly almost twenty years ago.
Always in Flux: A Conversation with Shy Watson
Shy Watson discusses her new collection, HORROR VACUI: POEMS AND OTHER WRITINGS.
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Chat with Adrienne Christian
Adrienne Christian discusses her newest collection, WORN.
Next Letter in the Mail: Kendra Allen
Our next Letter in the Mail is from author and poet Kendra Allen!
A Space of Sanctuary: Mother Country by Elana Bell
The body, like a country, holds so much, and all at once.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project: David Biespiel
“In the act of writing about it and revising it, I’m still having the experience.”
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Brionne Janae
in high school when they ask what I want to do when I grow up / I say not starve and mean it
The Rumpus Book Club Chat with Morowa Yejidé
Morowa Yejidé discusses her new novel, CREATURES OF PASSAGE.
Begin with Language: Talking with Becka Mara McKay
Becka Mara McKay discusses her new poetry collection, THE LITTLE BOOK OF NO CONSOLATION.