Features & Reviews
9229 posts
The Benefit of Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Talking with Joshua Henkin
Joshua Henkin discusses his new novel, MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS.
Both Microscope and Telescope: The Absurd Man by Major Jackson
The Absurd Man is confident and daring with a muscular specificity of language that is both deeply resonant for a wide audience and also singular to the poet.
Taking Care: A Conversation with Alix Ohlin
Alix Ohlin discusses her new story collection, WE WANT WHAT WE WANT.
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project: Amy Mackelden and Dr. Dylan Jaggard
“We wanted to give voice to people who are often spoken for.”
The More Painful Absence: Keema Waterfield’s Inside Passage
In this lush and raw account, musicians play, voices harmonize and then separate again, town after Alaska town rolls by... and Waterfield searches for home.
The Tragedy of Hope: Talking with Willa C. Richards
Willa C. Richards discusses her debut novel, THE COMFORT OF MONSTERS.
Reimagining Place in the Pandemic
This collection suggests again and again that poets and poetry are conjoined with such places—found on a map and indelibly mapped to the psyche.
Not Defined by Grief: A Conversation with Julie Marie Wade
Julie Marie Wade discusses her newest poetry collection, SKIRTED.
What to Read When You Need to Recover a Sense of the Sacred
Shin Yu Pai shares a reading list to celebrate VIRGA.