The poems in April Bernard’s Romanticism feel more complete, somehow, for the fact that they each align their focus on objects which, on multiple readings, still seem to have no…
Rane Arroyo’s character shines through in the amazing White as Silver collection, and will be clarified continuously as his vast trove of unpublished work begins to come to light.
In Katie Arnold-Ratliff’s debut novel, Bright Before Us, we watch our unlikeable but sympathetic narrator Francis Mason tumble into responsibility and adulthood.
A modern retelling of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Chris Adrian’s new novel The Great Night explores love and death at an evening feast in San Francisco’s Buena Vista Park.
With Toward You, Jim Krusoe completes his trilogy about death, resurrection, and the afterlife, a series of novels that are both comic and consequential.
With wit and insight, Dany Laferriere, the Haitian-Canadian novelist, explores national identity and cultural authenticity in his latest book, I Am a Japanese Writer.