This week in New York The Poetry Project holds its 36th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Benefit Reading, Ludacris and Sandra Bernhard perform, 92Y hosts a New Year’s Hustle Bash,…
With the release of her new memoir, Just Kids, which documents her relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, punk rock idol Patti Smith has events lined up in and around New…
This week, celebrate Christmas (or don’t), partake in a jingly Reindeer Run Flash Mob, and then celebrate your inner goth kid at The Nightmare After Christmas. Monday 12/21: Celebrate the…
This week in New York William Hurt converses at 92Y, Steve Beck performs the Goldberg Variations, Janeane Garofalo and Todd Barry in Comedy Below Canal, Christmas Eve klezmer party, Charlie…
He picked me up at the Cold Spring train station: a tall, lone and gawky, slightly bent, grizzled, yet still unmistakable figure at the other end of the platform shading…
Up in the Air is sentimental, but that doesn’t mean it’s simplistic. In fact, the movie plays at some interesting contradictions. It is a genuinely funny movie about genuinely depressing…
This week in San Francisco: The last Monthly Rumpus of the year rocks The Makeout Room, cupcakes meet fine art at Project One Gallery, and Paul Madonna signs books, while…
This week in New York, lit mags The Faster Times, The Rumpus, Gigantic and Open City throw holiday parties, James Gallery holds Pornography in the City panel, Nick Flynn and…
The plot reveals an intricate maze, in which all of the characters find themselves intimately connected, but no one in the story emerges from this labyrinth unscathed. When your lover…