Rumpus Originals
9691 posts
Record Related #1: At the Looking Glass
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, Mirror Traffic (Matador) / live at Webster Hall, NYC, 9/25/11 “I’m also a Jick.” —Stephen Malkmus, Amoeba Hollywood in-store appearance, 8/24/11 Mirror Traffic opens with…
DEAR SUGAR, The Rumpus Advice Column #89: The Thing That Turns You On
What is it you’re hungry for, dear one, and why?
God Bless Steve Almond
In Steve Almond’s new story collection, God Bless America, Almond does what he does best—eviscerate and then forgive our pitiful culture of excess.
The Devilishness of Idleness
“Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience.” –Walter Benjamin
Readers Report Back From… Humiliation
A collection of short pieces written by Rumpus readers pertaining to the subject of “Humiliation” Edited by Susan Clements.
The Force That Drives All Flesh
Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls is a case study for how to observe, recall and (possibly) create from whole cloth with clarity that never becomes brittle.
The Latin American Traveler’s Guide in Moby-Dick
Here’s a hypothesis: one of the reasons Moby-Dick has survived so long in English classes is that the number of Moby-Dick-related essay topics is almost limitless. Moby-Dick is so vast…
A Dual Interview
Two artists, ten years, one body of work, and only two taboos: Jesus and blowjobs.
Post-it Notes from the Underground #3
The following is a “Post-It Note record” created by writer/illustrator Joe Kloc, based on scenes he witnessed while attending Occupy San Francisco.