Rumpus Original
8550 posts
FUNNY WOMEN: Upcoming Women’s Fiction Best-Sellers
What’s black, yellow, waxy, and buzzing all over? Bee sex.
Transformations: A Conversation with Genevieve Hudson
Genevieve Hudson discusses her debut story collection, PRETEND WE LIVE HERE.
ENOUGH: One of the Lucky Ones
A Rumpus series of work by women and non-binary writers that engages with rape culture, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
The Thread: Outside the Gaze
This is the story I needed as a young girl; this is the story we all need.
A Female, Bone-Deep Obsession: Talking with Jennifer Martelli
Jennifer Martelli discusses her new collection of poetry, MY TARANTELLA.
What to Read When: Rumpus Staff Favorites 2018
The Rumpus editorial staff selects our favorite pieces from 2018!
Naughty and Ice: A Holiday Reading
We’re excited to present NAUGHTY AND ICE, a holiday reading!