The goal isn’t just to rile white voters up, but to make them feel that their own racist impulses are merely reasonable responses to a culture stacked against them.
In his children’s book This is Cape Canaveral (1963), Miroslav Sasek wrote, “On the east coast of Florida, 190 miles north of Miami, you enter a land of giants, of…
Upon hearing that Lost in the Trees’ A Church That Fits Our Needs was inspired by the suicide of lead singer and songwriter Ari Picker’s mother, Karen, my heart instantly broke.
WONDER WOMAN’S INVISIBLE JET ★★★★★ (3 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing Wonder Woman’s invisible jet.
We are not ashamed of our bodies – we are not afraid of them. We will celebrate their tremendous power. We will dance in honor of them, in churches or on the steps of Capitol Buildings or in front of cameras.