Joshua Henkin’s new, forceful novel, The World Without You, draws some of its power from this peculiar disconnect between the personal and the national.
Looking back, you see than while many things happened before Renee was killed, this is really where all the other things start and, to a certain degree, end . . .
So many people were reading Gone Girl by the time I’d heard of it that I knew I had to get on the train. It’s a thriller, a potboiler. It’s terribly engaging.
Lysley Tenorio’s debut collection Monstress (Ecco) is a wild and memorable ride through the world of transsexuals, lepers, healers, B-movie actors and, of course, the Beatles.
I’m trying to tell you that there’s something steady inside each of us, something unconcerned with expectation or gender or fear. There’s a center, and it’s like a friendly ghost of every person we’ve ever been.