Musician Owen Ashworth on his new album, Nephew in the Wild, literary influences, self-expression in songwriting, and how becoming a father has changed his work.
In this ongoing series, writers in all genres explore the intersection between our literary lives and practices and our BDSM and fetishistic lives and practices.
In Episode 12 of The Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show, January Gill O'Neil chats about her new collection, Misery Islands, writing pop culture into poetry, and the Red Sox.
As you walk, you become intensely aware in two directions. There is the outer world, and there is your head space. It is not necessary or possible really to keep strict focus on one or the other. They blend together.
How can it be that the system—the one you paid into for twenty-plus years— doesn’t have remedies for people like you—normally highly employable, but momentarily in need of assistance?