Guildtalk, brought to you by The Rumpus and the Authors Guild, brings attention to exciting new voices in American literature. The first installment features Richard Russo and Eddie Joyce.
Celebrated poet Jill Alexander Essbaum talks about her best-selling novel Hausfrau, a dark, sex-drenched tale about sadness and the consequences of turning away when consciousness calls.
In episode 30 of The Rumpus’s Make/Work podcast, host Scott Pinkmountain speaks with guitarist/composer Jon Nielsen about becoming disillusioned with the music scene, and hitting the road in search of motivation.
Writer, musician, and poet Christian Kiefer discusses his literary influences, the "beautiful, beat up, and weird town" that is Reno, and writing from the perspective of beasts in his new novel The Animals.
Reprints are lost gems. A gorgeous semi-precious stone perhaps in an antiquated or garish setting. A ring at the flea market that sparkles and shines, waiting for someone to repackage it, offer it with a proposal, wear it anew.
Novelist Greg Baxter talks about living abroad as an American, writing his new book, Munich Airport, and why he doesn't buy the defeatist clichés that people use to define our world and time.
They did not tell us that love was not something you could throw away once finished. That it would remain on us like blackened scars, underneath blouses and in those places only we could see.