Like wasting time and looking at photos? Meet Tag Galaxy, “the Internet crack of the moment.” Not silly enough? Try Hats of Meat on for size. Enough funny, time for…
This week in San Francisco: Jason Meyers’ new book, “The Mission” is released in the Haight, Jose Arenas and Phillip Hua encourage you to choose your own adventure at the…
THAT PICTURE FRAME MODEL ★★★★★ (2 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing that picture frame model.
This week in New York The New York Times’s Arts and Leisure Weekend features Natalie Portman, Jeff Bridges, and Jimmy Fallon, Sweetgrass opens at the Film Forum, Carol Sklenicka discusses…
I shouldn’t smoke in bed? Look out that window, Doug. Is that a Russian flag hanging on my flagpole? No, it’s not. It’s a U-S-of-God-blessed-A flag. When those beautiful stars…
100 extraordinary examples of paper art. Australian stingless bees take care of invading beetles by mummifying them. Need to buy a belated gift for someone? Consider Celestial Soul Portraits by…
First thing: Chinese poet Lu Xiaobo has been sentenced to eleven years in prison. There isn’t much people can do, but you can register your opinion on this via the…
The New Year brought more than hangovers and a debate over what we should call it. In Ireland, the new year brought into effect a new law banning blasphemy, which…
Tasmanian Devils may wind up extinct, and not due to humans driving them out of their habitat. The culprit is a contagious cancer. The British NHS claims sex is good…
Welcome to the first Saturday of 2010. I hope everyone has recovered from their celebrations. And what better way to ring in the New Year than with completely NSFW pics…