Today is the shortest day of the year, it’s all up from here. The electronic telegraph is going to destroy the newspaper industry. (via Moviecitynews.) Ice caves! The Korean airforce…
All in one story! It is the tale of a third-grade indiscretion that also happens to also be an economic parable for our time. It involves snacks. In addition to…
A tale of a poetry reading, or maybe the word “cock” is inherently funny. Annie Finch tells you everything you need to know about the sonnet. Who was in Best…
I just finished this really interesting article on bionics at National Geographic, but for some reason, the link has gone wonky on me. Head over to the main page and…
Stephen Elliott explores Christmas in yesterday’s New York Times. Here’s an excerpt. In the group homes, holidays weren’t so bad because we teenagers were all in the same parentless boat.…
Winter has finally come to south Florida, which means I’ll spend part of the afternoon moving our pepper plants indoors, to protect them from the bitter 40 degree weather that’s…
One of the funniest women on Internet–actually, one of the funniest women alive–is D.E. Rasso, did you know? Thanks to Maud Newton now I know. I really love Maud Newton.…
Here are some pictures of a fireplace in a Norwegian kindergarten. You know, if that’s your thing. You might like to think we are above posting things about drunk 4…
“With few exceptions, landscape alone is of insufficient interest to warrant the effort it takes to see it. Even the works of man, unless they are being used in his…
Dash Shaw’s mini-comic for Vice is pretty great. Britain’s first full-scale high speed rail is up and running (and pretty looking!) In case you forgot, Big Picture’s photographs of 2009…
Wired looks at the fine art of pulpy vhs box art. A handy Christmas facts info-graphic for you. Scienceray wants to talk to you about the Trogon family of birds.…