Fun fact: lobsters don’t age! Scientists want to know why your brother won’t share with you. Chip Kidd on designing Nabokov. Everyday is a good day for insect macro-photography. The…
Rumpus contributor Joshuah Bearman and (coincidentally) his cousin Sarah have created a game so fun they just had to share it with the internet. My Cousin Bernie started when “Sarah…
Dear Future Dads, So, you’re expecting a baby (by “expecting” I mean “dreading,” and by “a baby,” I mean “the consequences of using that glow-in-the-dark condom from 1989”)! That’s wonderful!
I wrote a New Scientist piece earlier this year on the nearly criminal foot-dragging by Detroit over safety advances made by pioneering engineers in the 1950s and 60s, and that…
New Scientist photo-essay on homosexual animals. Aww! Other countries are a lot better at rad eco design than us: the Greenspotlight. Warsaw urban art. On the other end of the…
FAKING AN ILLNESS FOR SYMPATHY ★★★★★ (4 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing faking an illness for…
This week in New York Malcolm Gladwell and James Wood talk about Evangelicalism and the Contemporary Intellectual, members of the Velvet Underground reunite at the New York Public Library, 60…
The next time you crack an egg, either over the presumably safe stove in your cozy sublet kitchen, or with one of the (most-likely three) prongs of your smudged fork…
“Nothing can’t be made with wood.” Street legal wooden car! I don’t know about you, but I could use some good news this Monday morning. Cell phones might not cause…