Kurt Vonnegut’s letter home. Abandoned wood burning stoves. A look inside a San Francisco opium den circa 1889. Rebecca Ward‘s tape installations. Pickled evidence for evolution.
Congratulations to Keith Waldrop, winner of the National Book Award in Poetry. Here’s their interview with Waldrop. Mark Scroggins uses the Barrett Watten reading I mentioned last week as a…
The Large Hadron Collider has started up again. The collisions aren’t supposed to begin until January, which is ahead of schedule. Perhaps that’s why there hasn’t been a big-budget disaster…
As almost anyone who’s lived down here can testify, the music scene is, well, uneven at best, unless you enjoy seeing bands that put out iffy music twenty years ago…
Let’s see what kind of ruckus we can stir up today. The Arkansas police officer who tased a ten year old girl last week received his punishment today–a seven day…
Tuesday night, November 17, the Rumpus and Tin House presented a night of variety acts such as David Rees on the art of choosing numbers, Todd Barry on what women…
1970s lowbrow super 8 design. hurray! Journey Around my Skull continues its look at Polish children’s books. Is ALL marriage illegal in Texas? 15 uses for newspapers. Imaging alien Earths…
God, he was smart! He had a mind like a hummingbird, he had read every book there was to read, his tongue was sharp, he was funnier than anyone else at the party.
Logical flow. On death masks. Going through back issues of Cabinet magazine is a good way to spend a day. A minor history of giant spheres. Voyeuristic architectural offices. Curbed…