In John McWhorter’s World Affairs article “The Cosmopolitan Tongue: The Universality of English,” he asks if it would be “inherently evil if there were not 6,000 languages spoken but one?”
National Geographic on robotic animals. Also: 10 Tons make model planets, giant squids, dinosaurs, and more! Also Also: check out these pictures of a sperm whale eating a giant squid.…
The Rumpus and Wholphin present: Hate To Be Alone With Tamim Ansary, author of Destiny Disrupted, Ethan Gilsdorf, author of Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks, Melanie Gideon, author of The…
Still have to work out a few minor tech problems, but we’re back. On eco-peril and how the Nazca caused their own collapse. Inflatable street art. Kurt Vonnegut’s book covers…
Why do three buses come at once and what can we do to avoid it? Slate looks at tombstone portraiture. Jellyfish! Bank robbery notes. (via Gerrycanavan.) Mathlete takes on the…
This week in San Francisco, the annual Dia de los Muertos procession, get Mortified at The Makeout Room, the self-proclaimed “hardest working artist in San Francisco” will be showing at…
This week in New York, Performa 09 festival of performing arts inspired by Futurist film, music and literature opens, Bomb throws a Fall Issue Launch Party, Books & Quiche Reading…
Scuba lessons are just swimming lessons but with a backpack, Doug. Since I already know how to swim and I definitely know how to wear a backpack, looks like I’m…
Look, I know we missed the boat by a couple days, but check out this sweet article on where ghosts come from. Spanish architecture porn of the week. On a…