Welcome to Saturday night. Hope you like what I’ve dug up for you this week. Okay, this first one isn’t technically poetry, but if you’re interested in Bright Star, Jane…
Who will play Rumpus Editor Stephen Elliott in the seemingly inevitable movie version of The Adderall Diaries?* Cillian Murphy? Philip Seymour Hoffman? Demetri Martin? My money is on Mos Def.…
The First Amendment case that’s getting most of the attention this year involves Citizens United and political speech by corporations, in large part because most court watchers believe that the…
Can a dead fish perceive humans and tell their emotional states? No, but the reason for the story is an interesting one. This is the world’s most awesome science fair…
Morning, everyone. Let’s get our geek on. Get out your checkbook, members of the nerdcore. You can buy Gene Roddenberry’s Mac 128 computer, given to him by Apple. Erik Loomis…
In 1996, Phillip Connors’ brother unexpectedly committed suicide. Now, over a decade later, Connors is getting closure through the completion of a 22,000 word account of his family’s experiences called…
OMG new dinosaur!!! (which helps solve evolutionary mysteries of the t-rex, or something, whatever). The History of Jobs in America (a graph). “On the asking of favors from established writers.”…
The other day I was walking down Mission Street in San Francisco and I saw a billboard on the side of a passing bus that read, “Imagine No Religion.” It…
This is sad, but it is also important: friendship. Normandy: Then and Now by French historian Patrick Elie. (via Metafilter) Borrowing something? Lending something? This might come in handy. Why…
Writers are always lamenting the lonely journey of being in a room by oneself armed with just words and coffee. Other artists seem to enjoy the benefits of collaboration, why…
Was today a good day? In Bb is an interactive and collaborative music project that is more than a little bit mind blowing. San Francisco was recently host to an…