16052 posts
Everything that can’t be categorized but is still wonderful!
Poetic Lives Online: Links by Brian Spears
Sorry for last week–the gods of the intertubes laid a righteous smack on my connection and blogging from an iPhone, even with the new cut and paste feature, isn’t all…
This Could Change the World
Road-trippers everywhere rejoice–Garardine Botte may have just made it possible for you to drive anywhere without stopping to pee, because that’s how you’ll fuel your car. Here’s the science end…
Random Media Notes
Do you have what it takes to be the next Philip J. Fry? Turanga Leela? Bender Bending Rodriguez? Fox is apparently bringing Futurama back yet again, but is planning to…
Wendell Potter–Healthcare’s Jeffrey Wigand
Jeffrey Wigand, in case you don’t remember, is the Brown & Williamson chemist who accused his company of intentionally manipulating the tobacco blend to increase the amount of nicotine in…
Want to kill e-publishing?
I read stories like this one, where Amazon has gone onto their subscribers’ Kindles and removed books (refunding the purchase price, but still) because the publisher decided they didn’t want…
Saturday Morning Links
Bunker Hill Community College will offer some classes that start at 11:45 p.m. this fall, in an attempt to serve people who have to work late or be up early…
Starbucks Goes Local, Remains Evil
“When is a Starbucks not a Starbucks? When it’s a 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea.” That’s right, the same company that made its name offering cookie-cutter storefronts all over the…
Morning Coffee
Whoops… Houston, We Erased The Apollo 11 Tapes. Your cat is smarter than you think. On the anti-Nazi photomontages of John Heartfield? Not enough pictures of terrible people to start…
Envisioning the PC Workstation, in 1968
“[Doug Engelbart], for those who haven’t heard of him, conceived of and then went on to invent much of what we value today in computing from the standpoint of the…
This Suit Gets It
“We think that lasting relationships matter, and we share some basic beliefs: Talent is rare. Management’s job is not to prevent risk but to build the capability to recover when…
“Empire Of Illusion,” A Book I Haven’t Read Yet
One of the great things about the bookstore business is you get to be the first to see what’s new. And when you work for a small, used bookstore, the…