“I was traveling and barely understood how I’d ended up there on a Ferris wheel at night, dangling above a town I didn’t know, thousands of miles from anyone I…
The most amazing website on the Internet. (might want to turn the sound down on your computer, NSFW) Perhaps the real question here is why was Sarah Palin signing a…
Social networking sites as art installation. Light-test.com collects photographer’s, uh, light tests. The results are playful and fascinating. A Journey Round My Skull takes a rare trip outside its selfimposed…
When you grow up being called a faggot by farm boys because you like to read books, Woody Allen can appear as something of a savior. That’s my story, anyway.…
My high school soccer coach was a Guatemalan immigrant who had made his way to the States when he was in his twenties. At first he’d earned his living as…
The Big Picture on the 2009 Venice Biennale. Andreas Gursky‘s photographs of enormous scale. More on Hemingway being a failed KGB spy. (bonus music link.) Brooklynites are an ingenious sort.…
The London Review of Books recently published one of the best single articles I’ve ever read about the history and possible future of Wikipedia, in a review of Andrew Lih’s…
Craig Fehrman’s post earlier today, The Freelance Life, got me thinking about something interesting I read in The Wreck of the Henry Clay last week. In a post from April…
I have to admit, reading an application of literary theory to something like a pop song gives me the giggles. Yeah, I’m a dork–this is a shock? So when I…
The latest issue of the Oxford American includes their annual “Best of the South” package, but it’s also got an essay on the struggles of freelancing, a subject that knows…