Posts by tag
chelsea biondolillo
8 posts
What to Read When You Feel Fragmented and Seek Structure
Chelsea Biondolillo shares a reading list in celebration of her debut essay collection, THE SKIN BIRD.
The Essayist Must…
Despite the horror and hopelessness (see below) that moves through the world, the essayist must have, even if it is well-buried under the most convincing costume of misanthropy, a deep…
The Rumpus Mini-Interview Project #40: Chelsea Biondolillo in Conversation with a Ghost Hunter
My sister is six years younger, and as kids we never got along. In high school, I went through a phase that involved a lot of sneaking out to drink…
FUNNY WOMEN #41: W4M ISO Wealthy Patron of the Arts
A hearty bonjour and aloha to all you lovers of arts & letters, I may be old-fashioned, but I prefer not to keep a day job when the winsome muse…
The Last Book I Loved: Rat Girl
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that genius and creativity were literal spirits, both apart from and outside the artist’s body. The artist’s role was to serve as conduit, and…