Melissa Fraterrigo discusses her new novel-in-stories, Glory Days, writing speculative fiction, and how our formative years influence us later in life.
Friday 2/17: Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, Trayvon Martin’s parents, will discuss Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin at the DuSable Museum of African American History. Tickets…
I’ve kept writer’s notebooks for probably almost 20 years now. I’m very slow to fill them… the notebook I have now I’ve had for nine years now—it’s really beat up.…
First, in the Saturday Essay, Laura Da’ laments the near-eradication of the Shawnee language. Da’ provides a litany of broken treaties, each one an “artifact of unimaginable suffering,” and attempts to…
At The Billfold, Christine Sneed gets real about the long, hard path to finding success writing books—even after being published—and why she wouldn’t have chosen a different career path regardless:…
First, Brandon Hicks takes an illustrative look at a few hypothetical situations. And in the Saturday interview, Anna March talks with Salon editor and author Sarah Hepola about alcoholism and the distorted…