Posts by tag
19 posts
We’re All Just Making It Up: Talking with Steve Hughes
Steve Hughes discusses his debut story collection, STIFF.
Rumors, Ghosts, and Art: Talking with Jared Pappas-Kelley
Jared Pappas-Kelley discusses his forthcoming book, SOLVENT FORM.
Sound & Vision: Brandon Stosuy
Allyson McCabe talks with music journalist, editor, and curator Brandon Stosuy about his path to music journalism, how the industry has changed, and what he's working on now.
Sound & Vision: Leah Hennessey
Allyson McCabe talks with Leah Hennessey, a co-creator of the DIY web series Zhe Zhe, about the art of performance in the age of Trump.
Sound & Vision: Matt Sullivan
Allyson McCabe talks with Matt Sullivan, founder of Light in the Attic Records, about how he’s preserved the label's commitment to great music while also meeting the demands of a changing, and often challenging, market.
Wanted/Needed/Loved: Allison Crutchfield’s Sewing Machine
When I’m away touring, my clothes are my connection to home, my way of feeling myself.
Womanly Arts
This is the hearth. This is the knot. This is home. The woman bent over a sewing machine, the steady hum of the motor, the needle rising and sinking.
Podcatcher #3: Poetry Jawns
Emma Sanders and Alina Pleskova charm us with their affection for each other, DIY ethos, and belief on Poetry Jawns, what matters is the work.
Swinging Modern Sounds #71: A Michael Bay Film Eating Itself
“Love,” then is not to be taken lightly here. It is being engaged at full force, megaphonically.
This Week in Posivibes: Destroy All Art
This compilation of ’90s DIY punk put out by Rock N’ Roll Parasite is the kind of well-curated survey of a time that we hope all comps will be. The bands…