Welcome to the weekend, everyone. Make it a good one. For those of you (like me) who will be watching a little football this evening and tomorrow, it’s time to…
Have some questions? “Q. and A.: Google and China” with Evan Osnos. The Atlantic’s James Fallows says China is hyper-confident (in their “Bush/Cheney phase”), but that the government has been…
Amazon reports that Kindle Books outsold real books on Christmas day (and Mashable shows why that’s just PR smoke and mirrors). An argument for schools to stop blocking social networking…
Good morning! I’m up against a pretty nasty deadline, so blogging might be a bit light today. In the meantime, here’s some links for you from the book blogs. What…
Have you seen Big Picture’s photo-essay on Mars? It is the best thing. What does the grammar of Google searches say about us? I am just linking to this article…
We’ve covered the Google book settlement quite a lot recently. While we tend to focus on how the case affects authors, Geoffrey Nunberg, a professor at the UC Berkeley School…
It’s time to release my inner geek. Okay, not so inner. Behold the cannibal galaxy! Triangulum, your day is coming! The nonprofit Solar CITIES is installing solar power systems in…
Do you have what it takes to be the next Philip J. Fry? Turanga Leela? Bender Bending Rodriguez? Fox is apparently bringing Futurama back yet again, but is planning to…
The Oxford University Press is in favor of the Google book settlement, and the title of this post sums it up pretty well. But I’ll give you a bit more…
From a New York Times article, published two months ago, about the end of the line for Encarta: “It’s hard to look at the end of the Encarta experiment without the free and…
Technological innovation seems almost strangely commonplace these days, from say, contact lenses that could layer data directly onto your view of the world to robots fighting far-flung wars to computer…