Today we learn a valuable lesson. If you have a girlfriend, but you are in love with another girl and you tell your girlfriend that this other girl is way…
Leave it to Nick to create a love song amidst the horrors of judgment day. When God strikes vengeance on us for our sins at Armageddon, Nick isn’t looking for…
Who is Lucy? Nick’s ex-girlfriend? A ballerina? Whoever she was, we all have our Lucy. The woman who died too young. If you don’t have a Lucy yet, be assured,…
We have embraced the love songs and feelings of the heart…this week it’s time to get our hands dirty. No more snuggles, let’s shed some blood. “The Curse Of Millhaven”…
The last time I interviewed Nick I told him how much I loved “Palaces of Montezuma” from the new record. “You like that one?” he said with a smile. “It…
Whenever I need a boot to my ass to work on writing or other projects, “There She Goes, My Beautiful World” is my soundtrack. It’s better motivation than a Tony…
There’s a soundtrack for when I’m about to fall in love with a girl. That precious gap of time between getting to know each other physically and mentally before diving…
When we die, “The Carny” will be our soundtrack. Us humans, who have been jonesing for beliefs and answers about the afterlife in this existence…. We will enter a red…