I very much desire to make your acquaintance. If agreeable please return this card, appointing a time and place for interview, on the other side. Before Tinder or texting, people…
Scenario: you are on the train, you are sitting across from a man in a baseball cap reading, say, White Teeth, and in a matter of seconds you’ve visualized an…
The overall theme of feminism, for me, is not about having it all. It's about having what you want and being honest about who you are. It's about respecting who you are and what you do.
“Sorry,” she said as she passed me in the entrance to the women’s room. “That’s my husband in the other stall. Don’t mind him.” She was going back to her car.
Happy sexin’ day, everyone! This isn’t my favorite holiday, so I’m gonna let the Book Bench do all the talkin’ about it with these Dear John letters and some blogging on emails…