Oliver Sacks brought neuroscience closer to popular understanding and in turn, brought people closer to each other. At The Toast, Laura Passin’s thoughtful tribute to Sacks by way of memoir:…
Do not make me decipher your intent. Do not assume allegorical common ground. Do not make me pay attention to your god damn motif. Tell don’t show, like Wikipedia. A…
A sharp appraisal of the myriad forms of unpaid emotional labor that women do in our world by Jess Zimmerman, over at The Toast: Imagine a menu of emotional labor: Acknowledge…
Nicole Walker writes for The Toast about KFC and pregnancy. We pulled over in the parking lot. I seasoned the gravy, dipped my spork into the potatoes and then dipped…
Lilian Min writes for The Toast about the tangled politics of ugly food: I grew up in a household that was comfortable with farts, burps, intense smells, and food that…
Sarcasm on the Internet—you know it when you see it. But how? Without the conversational aids of our best deadpan voices or our fingers as scare quotes, we use all…
Ah, happy food court! Peaceful kingdom! Is it possible that all these tables now are empty Where once families did jostle for a feasting place? Over at The Toast, a…
Alyssa Cole invited Kianna Alexander, Piper Huguley, and Lena Hart to join her for a roundtable discussion of historical romance novels by black authors. They talk about inspiration, research, and character development over at…
At The Toast, Nicole Soojung Callahan, Christine Hyung-Oak Lee, Karrisa Chen, and others weigh in on the state of Asian-American literature: I grew up in L.A. and Long Beach. White…