Each year on my dog Isso’s birthday, I give him the gift of voice: a reading with pet psychics/animal communicators who “talk” to Isso about his likes and dislikes, requests, preferences and physical ailments, if any.
Poetry Wire continues its exploration of how one might become a poet in the modern world, how one traverses between the creative realm and daily experience.
Such Unfortunates It doesn’t get better, it gets different. Ask God, Clean House, Help Others. Try taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever— with and without solemn…
I dodge taxis and drunk college kids near Astor Place and think how sweet to be a man in motion on a Saturday night; man formed of needles and a hundred sweaty locker rooms; a man without translation; a man who invents himself.
The Early Minutes of Without You thought you were spared falling in love with another drunk now that you were sober and could feel the ordinary grain that ran through…
This Sunday Rumpus happens to find me arriving in original Rumpus stomping ground, San Francisco, where I’m thrilled to be reading at The Make-Out Room tonight with Janice Cooke Newman…
ESL You come with a little Black string tied Around your tongue Knotted to remind Where you came from And why you left Behind photographs Of people whose Names need…
Michael Chabon's career is often the work of a writer hell-bent on destroying the line between "literary" and "genre," and his most famous work is an epic adventure novel about comic-book creators.