Two of my favorite LA-based writers are Rumpus Contributors Antonia Crane and Melissa Chadburn. I admire and respect them as people and writers. This week, Melissa wrote her take on…
Iris A. Law’s fearless debut work, Periodicity, operates through a unique structural conceit that lushly unfolds across the arc of the chapbook: each poem takes as its subject matter a…
The Rumpus Book Club chats with Manuel Gonzales about The Miniature Wife, subverting genre, building a believable fictional world, and the invention of paper towels.
As of today the question of whether President Barack Obama or former Governor Mitt Romney won the Cuban vote in Florida, traditionally a solid Republican bloc, remains in dispute. Back…
Wikipedia is not to be trusted, at least not entirely. We all know this. (For a brief period in August of 2009 the first sentence of the “Trees” poet—“Poems are…
In this piece, we are not at any time meant to use the word greatness to refer to a band from Boston, Big Dipper, best known during the late eighties, for the three fine studio albums, the last of which, Slam, was released on Epic Records in 1990.
This is a stunner from Chloe Caldwell: “My Year of Heroin and Acne.” I’m liking Salon’s “Body Issues” series. Here’s “Sexy Dresses That Barely Fit” by Lily Burana. I’m radically…
The following is a short list of literary LA happenings: Saturday 1/5: Dave Ross and Jake Weissman host Two-Headed Beast, a story-telling show. I’ve seen great comedians participate. Two of…