Albert, who is at work on her second novel, describes both books as “personal” as opposed to autobiographical, although they are rooted in her own experiences.
“The story collection is made up of moments, one after another, of startlingly poignant yet ostensibly ordinary interactions.” Rumpus Book Club member John Francisconi loves this month’s selection, Orientation by…
The last book I loved–the book I wanted to take to a sandbox and introduce to Woody Guthrie’s Bound for Glory where I could watch one send a Matchbox car…
MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS ★★★★★ (4 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing Marina and the Diamonds.
“It’s funny—when it comes to memoir, we want to catch the author in a lie. For fiction, we want to catch the author telling the truth.” Tayari Jones, author of…
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was exceedingly more interesting than I’d expected. My only knowledge of the story was that Dr. Jekyll drinks a potion and turns into a monster,…
Woot! Adam Levin won the NY Public Library’s Young Lion Fiction Award for The Instructions. Looks like Mr. Levin’s getting the drinks next time (the award comes with a $10,000…
Ask a group of book-loving Oregonians who their only Pulitzer Prize winner in fiction is, and what do you suppose the percentage of correct answers might be? Easier to predict…
Inside a used bookstore at a grotesquely outsized strip mall in Fremont, California, I first pulled Li-Young Lee’s 1986 chapbook Rose from the shelf, a volume so thin the spine…
There are only two disappointments in Gerald Schwab’s The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan. One is the zong-I’m-blind! DayGlo op art cover. I mean, really. For…
I am shitting my pants. Totally. Completely. And … well, figuratively. One night before my travel partner and I are scheduled to fly to Mumbai, she ditches me for Berlin. The…