Tayari Jones, author of the Rumpus Book Club’s May pick Silver Sparrow gets love from The Village Voice: “Jones… is fast defining middle-class black Atlanta the way Cheever did Westchester.”…
The last book that I loved was You Shall Know Our Velocity! by Dave Eggers, which is about two friends, Will and Hand, who come into $32,000 around the same…
Two years ago, I ended a five-year relationship with a man who loved me. Very simply, it wasn’t enough anymore. Responses ranged from distraught to disappointment to disgust. My aunt…
Sometimes you revisit a book you love, like Francine Prose’s Goldengrove. Once you finish reading this book for the third time, you start thinking about your near-hero worship of Prose…
César Aira’s Ghosts: Meaning-saturated, beautiful and complicated. A heat soaked hallucination, this short novel moved through the minutes of the last day of the year in a building so new…
I’d always assumed, mistakenly it turns out, that the book was about a sunken boat, with a vague notion that it maybe also had something to do with World War…
This is the third year that The Rumpus has celebrated National Poetry Month by running a new, previously-unpublished poem every day for the month. Here’s a link to last year’s…