-Last week, Nerve‘s The Hype Line claimed Doug Dorst’s The Surf Guru as one of the five things it couldn’t look away from. Writes Ray Rahman: “When you pick up a…
Mohaned works at a small hotel in Palmyra, a desert town in northeast Syria. On the side, he helps a friend pitch taxi rides to tourists. (Mohaned speaks Arabic and…
I know very little about Richard. I know that he is from Rhode Island, Jewish, has lived in Puebla, Mexico for twenty years, lives and owns an antiques store with his…
RHET1002 Students, It has come to my attention that many of you are unaware of my policy on email etiquette. Please take a moment to review the following guidelines to better facilitate…
Though I have doubted my talent, I’ve never doubted my conviction that this was the path I had to be on. Writing is like my Siamese twin: freakish, alive, weighty, uncanny. Were we to be separated, I doubt that I could survive it.
New this week, The Rumpus presents a smattering of Book Club related news, including highlights of past, present, and future books in our queue. -You may have already caught Daniel…
CSI: MIAMI: THE SOUNDTRACK ★★★★★ (2 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing CSI: Miami: The Soundtrack.