Walking into the 19th annual Woolf and the City conference as a non-academic fan of Virginia Woolf can be intimidating. I was in the midst of close to 250 Woolf…
In the 1960s and 70s, Central and South America were rife with dictatorships which used secret police, the military, right-wing death squads and tight control of the media to quash…
Tom McCarthy’s Remainder was a bit of a darkhorse darling when it first arrived on the scene, enjoying attention from everyone and their mother, the latter of whom rightly celebrated…
Last Wednesday, in honor of Hebrew Book Week, the Israeli daily Haaretz sent its journalists home one day and brought in a bunch of literary authors to report the news. Apparently, it…
Academics spend their careers studying how autobiographical novels are. Readers spend hours obsessing over it. But in a brief interview with The New Yorker’s Book Bench, Aleksandar Hemon may have…
Sometimes, the book blogs seem resigned to the idea that we’re entering some terrible dystopia, shaking their heads sadly as the businesspeople in charge douse the future in gasoline and…
Summer is coming. What will you be reading? Will it be that Henry James novel you’ve meant to read since 1987 or that book with the vampire-zombies with tantalizing unmentionables?
Rumpus contributor Michael Berger only just learned about Harold Norse, on June 8th; sadly, that was the day Norse died. Here’s a tribute page, and a page where Glenn Ingersoll…
The Believer this month has a really good interview with designer / painter / comic arts legend Gary Panter — best known as the guy who did the sets for…