Following the trend of female lawmakers submitting bills to regulate men’s health, we decided to do the same. We are three straight, gay, single, married, white, Cuban, non-practicing Jewish women, which…
My senior year in Chapel Hill, I finally got up the courage to take a course in Asian American literature. Stupidly, I treated it as a little experiment. As an…
Christina Alger’s debut The Darlings follows the Darling family headed by a billionaire financier through the financial crisis. Luckily, these rich people are really screwed up.
In an essay called “The I Without a Self,” W.H. Auden tells us about a rumor “which if true might have occurred in a Kafka story.” That is that Kafka,…
Is That All There Is (Joost Swarte) Fantagraphics $35; 144 pages Reviewed by Matt Seneca The title’s the joke: yes, folks, this rather slim, elegantly designed hardcover contains (nearly) every published…
Click image to enlarge: … All Over Coffee, by Paul Madonna, is published in the Sunday Datebook section of the San Francisco Chronicle, on, and in two book collections…
“Friends? Who needs them?” said a Korean friend of mine. “I don’t make friends. I have a wife and a child, that’s enough social life for me.” I was surprised…
Especially for a reader coming to Trakl for the first time, Firmage’s accessible introduction and organization of the poems provide an excellent overview of Trakl’s development as a poet and…