Rumpus Originals
9691 posts
God’s Geese Go To Pond
Now, with the Wave Books release of Aygi’s poems, translated masterfully by Sarah Valentine, audiences worldwide are able to celebrate Aygi among his Russian contemporaries.
Why I Chose Linda Hogan’s Indios for the Rumpus Poetry Book Club
Rumpus Poetry Book Club Board Member Camille Dungy on why she chose Linda Hogan’s Indios as March’s selection.
Introducing The Rumpus Original Poetry Anthology
If you came by the Rumpus table at the AWP convention in Chicago last week you might have seen me or my partner/book designer Amy Letter demonstrating this anthology.
Tiny Words vs. The Robot
With [C.] An MLP Stamp Stories Anthology, Mud Luscious Press conducts an experiment in the limits of form: magnificent stories the size of stamps.
The Rumpus Interview with Fred Lyon
What does it take to commit to a craft for more than 70 years—particularly one that has undergone the revolutions in technology that photography has?
SELF-MADE MAN #3: Stitches
I walked in on Rob (not his real name), an ex-jock and Affleck-like Bostonian during a covert, one-man photo shoot in the men’s room at my new job this summer,…
“into a film,” a Rumpus Original Poem by Ryan Eckes
a wonderful thing about philadelphia is / it’s not new york city
Otherwise Known As…
If essays and reviews are meant to enlighten as much as to reveal the writer’s limits and biases, then Geoff Dyer is thankfully guilty of both.