Julia was one of those “students” whom you suspect, after maybe fifteen seconds, should actually be teaching the class you are currently (allegedly) teaching.
In Episode 10 of The Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show, poet Nicky Beer chats about her new collection, The Octopus Game, turning subject matter into art, and how we're all just shape-shifting actors trying to get through the day.
The CRDF is made up of several buildings surrounding a central courtyard. There will be nothing dangerous or seedy about the environment; it will feel like an abandoned civic center.
Monica Byrne talks about sex, gender, the insidious power of stereotypes, and putting relationships between women at the center of her novel, The Girl in the Road.
I’d propose that we learn better ways of speaking up for and protecting that space, that valley; that we prescribe uselessness as a core nutrient, one we’d surely wilt without. That we write with very fierce love.