THE GUY WHO HAS A PUPPY THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MINE ★★★★★ Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing the guy…
Luke B. Goebel talks about his experimental novel, Fourteen Stories, None of Them Are Yours, his dark days in San Francisco, hands as blood-bags, and literary Ouija boards.
And maybe that’s the ticket: grace. It was the year I expected harsh karma. But instead, I called my friends from the gutters of Hollywood and they picked me up. Every time.
In Episode 8 of The Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show, poet Beth Bachmann chats about her new collection, Do Not Rise, Dolly Parton, and the demands of lyric poetry.
In episode 26 of The Rumpus’s Make/Work podcast, host Scott Pinkmountain speaks with visual artist Christine Hiebert about limitations, the relationship between drawing and musical improvisation, and of course, lines.
Beneath all personal essays, especially those that deal with trauma, a change, or, in James’s case, a tough decision, the implicit narrative is that the author is presently in a clear enough place to produce the prose.
Wendy C. Ortiz talks about her memoir, Excavation, about her teenage affair with her teacher, and how the moment you write down a memory you make it fallible.
The Americans is no self-help book, no guide to suburban living. Rather, [it] offers all of us a chance to examine the places we make our homes, to remember what these places might mean in the context of American history, and to consider how they might shape American culture.