The women in The Salt God’s Daughter call themselves outlaws. And who better equipped than outlaws to teach us something about love and protection, identity and desire?
I developed my first and only porn star crush on Princess Donna. I watched her videos and read her blog and imagined that one day we would meet and she would publicly disgrace me like she publicly disgraced models.
I’m going to go ahead and spoil the entire plot of Bart Layton’s documentary The Imposter, but only because the film does in its first opening minutes. Why? Because the…
I was never able to have that moment, which I realized other kids had, where the character seemed to be me. I was always aware that I was reading about other people.
At the edges of the Earth was Lintukoto, the home of the water birds who brought souls to newly born humans and snatched them away at the moment of death.…
“Mike” contacted me for advice about the stripper he was seeing after he’d read my column on The Rumpus. He told me that when his wife was diagnosed with pancreatic…
Once a bright and talented writer and professor, my mother now can no longer write. She tries, but she can’t spell her name, or mine, and letters run off the page. I am humbled by how quickly time passes and how roles change. Frightened, too. Where will we both be in another fifteen years?
To be entitled means believing you have an inherent right to something. It is very easy to feel entitled, to feel like we deserve a certain quality of life or…