The list of reputable writers who have worked in the medical field is long and distinguished—Chekhov, Bulgakov, William Carlos Williams, among many others—and yet the promethean doctor-divinity-student-novelist-daredevil Chris Adrian,
What Gottlieb reveals to us in this collection, is that the key to survival is the same animal desire that served as our undoing in the first place, but the…
There is a moment in David Lynch’s Wild at Heart (1990) that cuts from Lula’s (Laura Dern’s) feet stomping in excitement on a bed to those same feet stomping in…
In No Bad News for the King, Emma Larkin (a pseudonym for an American journalist in Asia) untangles the convoluted story of contemporary Burma and the 2008 cyclone that killed…
GUANTANAMO BAY PRISON ★★★★★ (3 out of 5) Hello, and welcome to my week-by-week review of everything in the world. Today I am reviewing Guantanamo Bay Prison.