The average Netflix subscriber streams 87 minutes of video a day—four episodes of a half-hour comedy. We don’t just binge because it’s something to do and we’ve got time to kill. There is something deeper going on.
Writer Fiona Maazel talks about her love for the "sad, lonely, self-loathing guy," the appeal of cults, setting her latest novel in the wildly divergent worlds of North Korea and Cincinnati, and her current fascination with neuroprosthetics.
Chad Harbach sits down to talk about MFA vs NYC and its ongoing debate, co-founding the literary magazine n+1, and the intuitive process behind looking at your own work.
Writer Rachel Urquhart discusses her novel The Visionist, the complex nature of Shaker society, the use of restraint when writing about violence, and what it means to "write like a man."
Since you already live in a shack, scratch out “S.” It would be nice to move on to bigger, or at least better, things. But also scratch out “M” -- you’re an adult now, and it’s time to adjust your expectations.
Efrim Menuck, the Canadian musician behind Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra La La Band and Godspeed You! Black Emperor, talks about music journalism, writing grooves, anarchy, and the apocalypse.
Cullen Thomas sits down with Mitchell S. Jackson to discuss The Residue Years, overlooked and ignored communities, studying with Gordon Lish, and writing dangerously.