On July 20th, 2003, a tour van rolled on I-5 south of Portland, OR, killing three of my friends. They were members of power-pop band The Exploding Hearts, and I’m…
There are some important strands of humanity that I think do unite us, and I think stories are a powerful way of showcasing those universals or those commonalities.
There were warning signs. Red flags. The school was located in a series of strip malls along a highway in a shitty part of town, but close enough to a nice part to appear, on paper, like a good place to go.
Pam Houston discusses the art of travel, breaking down the barriers between fiction and memoir, biking across Canada, and continuing to write on the road—even after being bitten by a possibly-rabid dog while camping in the Gobi Desert.
The gulf between the place where I sang Mozart and Debussy with people my parents’ age and the place where I went to public school and tried to make friends with kids my own was vast.